About Us


This College has 8 acres campus with modern infrastructure, adequate facility and current enrolment in excess of 400 students.
Our College vision is incorporated in these  words, ‘Achieve status of best college in rural area’, which define and drive our culture and underpin the work of our teachers and students. Our values of ‘Respect, Working together and Meeting Challenges’ further motivates ways in which we work.
The focus of our College is on teaching with practicals. We work to ensure that our staff and students share a sense of pride in our College and its traditions, whilst also embracing the challenges of 21st Century Learning.
Prospective parents and students can be reassured that every student at our College has the opportunity to secure a positive future. We encourage you to become involved in your youth’s education through a shared partnership in creating educational opportunities for your young ones.
Please do not hesitate to contact me at college if you require additional information.
Present time is full of challenges and stiff competition in which everyone wants to be successful in life very soon through available resources, which has resulted in a deviation from formal education to vocational education and ultimately a neglect of formal education. Well as educationist would like to counsel our young generation that formal education provides the basic platform for overall development of the student. The syllabus prescribed at undergraduate and postgraduate level is an outcome of a lot of research and is helpful for the comprehensive and in depth knowledge of the subject.
Keeping the above view in mind the founders of THE SHAMALBHAI DOSABHAI CHAUDHARI SCIENCE COLLEGE, Kheralu, visualized this college to be a centre of excellence in learning and research, to be not only light bearing, but also fruit giving, to realize the full potential power of the young creative mind in building up nation’s progress and pride.